Resolution #56: This Is Going To Be The Year I Finally Complete This Book On Oil Painting...

Date: 2-25-2014

Due Date: 2-25-2015

Resolution: As you can see from past resolutions, I've managed to build up quite a collection of "How To" books over the years. The fact that I've yet to complete any of them isn't necessarily due to the fact that I've given up on the things that I want to learn, more often than not I give up on these books because I either learned what I needed to get by or found my own way of doing things.

Take oil painting for example. Even though I want to learn proper techniques I was able to do this by just buying paint and brushes and just going for it.

I haven't painted in quite a while and want to get back into it, so I figured why not start with the basics and use this book as a guide? I own it after all and right now it's just going to waste sitting there on my bookcase.

I guess that's the bigger point of this recent run of books that I own based on these resolutions. I bought each and every one of these books for a reason and that reason wasn't to be a decoration. In most cases the books in question were meant to create decorations, so that's what I'm finally going to do!!!


Result #56: Though I Failed To Fit Any Painting In… Last Year… But… Now I’m All Set Up For A Creative 2015!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 2-28-2015


If you're actually reading this then I'm sure you've caught on that I'm pushing a lot of my resolution's due dates to the end of this year. Due to recent circumstances that's just the way things are going to have to be.

That said, I'm feeling pretty confident that I'm setting up my new living space for success.

I've had a home office corner of my room where I will do all my writing and whatnot, but now I have a creativity corner that I'll dedicate to arts and crafts.

I feel having two separate workspaces will allow me to get into a different headspace and allow me to produce more art.

At least that the delusional dream…


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