Resolution #162: Sculpt My Own Wicker Breaking Buddha For My Future Zen Garden...

Date: 6-11-2014

Due Date: 6-11-2015

Resolution: The other day I was watching the Jim Henson reality show with a friend. This is a show where contestants are given the challenge to create a Muppet creature and have it act out a little scene.

During the creation process, there was a lot of sculpting going on. It looked fun and made me really want to give it a shot. I figured I would work sculpting into a resolution somehow but didn't really have an end game as to what to sculpt or why.

This morning I figured it out. I need a Buddha for my eventual Zen Garden, so here we are.

As I was hunting for a Buddha image to use as a header image I couldn't help but be reminded of my Wicker Breaking Yokozuna logo. I literally added that aspect of the challenge as I was typing.

My uncle is actually a great sculptor so I'm hoping that it will just come naturally. I doubt it, but we'll see.


Result #162: Oops, I Thought This One Was Later This Week… Like With Yesterday’s Failure… Maybe It's Better To Fail For Now… Instead Of Just Slap Something Shoddy Together For The Win…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 6-11-2015

Note: I did not create the sculpture the piece in the image above because I never got around to buying sculpting clay. If you've read any of my results lately you know that I'm struggling financially so I have to gauge which resolutions I can spend money on.

Granted sculpting clay doesn't cost all that much but I wanted to wait until the due date for this resolution was closer to see where I stood. Last week when I saw this was coming up I did plan to go buy some sculpting clay to slap something together to technically complete this task but now the day is here and I have no clay.

Oh well...

I actually want to learn how to sculpt and not just wing it. That's going to take time, and now that I've accepted the fact that these posts are only acknowledging a temporary failure, my enthusiasm for the future is growing.

Maybe I am getting something out of this resolution thing after all?