Resolution #211: Start Flossing On A Daily Basis...

Date: 7-30-2014

Due Date: 7-0-2015

Resolution: I currently brush on a daily basis but only floss randomly or if something is irritating my teeth. I've never been all that good at sticking to healthy habits but I've been finding this resolution stunt has been a very effective tool.

Starting today I will use this site as a tool to get me to start taking better care of my teeth. Though I doubt there will be many updates, the checklist that's part of my Daily Breaker page will be enough pressure to keep me going.


Result #211: Now I Just Keep A Bag Of Floss Picks By My Desk To Randomly Floss Throughout The Day… Without Being OCD About It!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 7-30-2015

Ever since setting this resolution to floss every day I've made sure to keep a page of these floss picks readily available at my desk. I know it's gross and I clean them up when I have company but I also usually have a couple on my desk within sight. This easy access makes it so I just randomly grab floss picks throughout the day and go to work.

I wouldn't say that I've grown to be obsessive about it, I don't feel the urge to floss right after meals or when I'm away from my desk but I do now floss throughout the day so I'm going to consider this resolution to be a success.