365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Seventy-Eight - 3/19/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number seventy-eight of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… where yesterday… I started to get back to work on the SEO metadata project… which is good for the site… but not so good when it comes to inspiring me to write about as my marketing effort for the day… so… to procrastinate… I decided to build a sitemap for any visitors and not just for the bots

I figured that I would work on this because I kept getting dinged for having content that is more than three clicks away from the homepage… thanks to the fact that this site’s navigation needs help… I figured that creating a visitor’s site map would put all of the content on this site just two clicks away… even if the links might still be hard to find due to the fact that there are still over three thousand pages that make up The Wicker Breaker

I’m pretty sure that having so many internal links on one page will mess up another area of my SEO report… but for now… I’m going to consider it a start… that I will continue to tweak as I learn how to optimize this site with monetization in mind… I’m also going to consider this my marketing effort for today…

And now that today’s marketing effort to be done… let’s see how I handled the task from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Lips Appreciation Day… which might be the hardest themed day to date… I mean… lips are cool and all… but I don’t know how to put them in the spotlight without coming across like a creep… or I could go crass for the joke… but that’s not who I am any more… in the past… I may have gone crass due to the fact that I’m somewhat asexual and often missed the mark by going too far into the realm of obscene while trying to fit in…

Having grown… I’m not even going to go into what I might have joked about to celebrate today… come to think of it… I wouldn’t have written that type back then… I would have thought it… then… the moment one person would break the seal and go crass… I was quick to join in… if I were to start things off… it would be around people who I already knew would go there as well… making it a rush to the punch…

Looking back… since I don’t like sports or car motor measurements… I think I went crass and did Jackass-style stunts and effort to fit in with the masculine side of a mixed crowd… as a misguided means to fit in… I also think it’s the other side of the coin where I can get catty and start talking shit… the way that I would hear from my mom and sisters while watching TV… when trying to connect with the feminine energy from the crowd…

Alright… well that took an interesting turn… but I like it… so I’m going to leave it…. I’m also going to celebrate Lips Appreciation Day by sharing my favorite song from the people who make Bad Lip Reading videos…

And with that… I’m done with the task from yesterday… now it is time to see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Awkward Moments Day… which I kind of already celebrated in the above rambling about lip appreciation… I’m really good at awkward moments so tomorrow’s post might get epic… depending on my energy that is… between the new meds and the hypnotic effects of data entry… it’s been hard to feel creative lately… but… at least the boring stuff is starting to pay off… so when I do get done… these boring days will have been worth it!!!

For now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…