365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Seventy-Nine - 3/20/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number seventy-nine of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… where it’s another boring day as far as my marketing efforts go… I’m still adding metadata to all of The Daily Breaker posts from 2015… the same thing I was working on yesterday… and the same thing that I’ll be working on tomorrow… and probably the same thing that I’ll be working on all week if I keep going at this pace…

This morning… I made another fun mistake where I lost two hours’ worth of progress… all because I forget that I’m working on my laptop’s Notebook app that doesn’t have auto-save… once again… my dumbass wrote up a bunch of content… then realized it was all going to disappear right after hitting “restart now” following an attempt to speed up my internet connection… it was like realizing you forgot your keys the second you let go of the knob to a locked door…

These new meds that I’m on must be working rather well… considering the fact that… I only snapped for a second… instead of going into a Tourette’s cursing-filled rant… that I hope nobody can hear… that said… I’m not all that inspired to get back to work… keeping in mind that this incident just happened a few minutes ago… I’ll probably need a nap before I can get back into SEO marketing mode…

Until then… this segment on today’s marketing effort is done… now let’s see how I handled yesterday’s theme…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Awkward Moments Day… which meant it was my time to shine… since my life itself is just one never-ending awkward moment… at least that’s how I feel… this might be because… there was a time when I was literally living each day as if it were my last… meaning I not only lost the concept of tomorrow… but this also means that there is no such thing as the concept of yesterday…

When there is nothing but now… it allows one to take some unnecessary risks… like telling that person at the party who they look like over and over again… alcohol is always involved when that type of awkward looping is going on… but I can also be extremely awkward at any moment… as long as anyone else is involved…

I feel like I thrived on this ability to make any moment odd when I was young… but it’s also probably the biggest contributing factor as to why I’ve grown to be a shut-in… now that the confusion isn’t as fun… I’m not sure if I still enjoy all of the laughter at my awkward attempts to fit in… attempts that I now try to pass off as personas… as I’m trying to unmask my real self…

I feel like I’m identity fluid… always willing to try a different personality out… to then keep and lose what works and what doesn’t… the only problem is… I never knew the “what doesn’ts” until after the fact… until after I made an ass out of myself while digging into flawed personas desperate to get them to work… hell… this blog may even be one of these fail persona’s that can also be seen as one gigantic awkward moment when looked at as a whole…

Alright… I’m going to wrap up yesterday’s task before I start to ramble… and with that… it is time to see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Spring Equinox Day…which means the night is as long as the day??? I don’t know… I’ll have to look that up to be sure… I also don’t know how I will celebrate such a day… maybe I’ll do something with my garden… or do some Spring cleaning… those seem like equinoxy things to do???

For now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…