Dateline 1-28-2014

The Daily Breaker Top Image

I've been finding that as these resolutions build up I have less time to dedicate to adding detailed updates for each project.

At the beginning of each day when I sit down to post my latest resolution, I follow it up by scrolling through all the resolutions and note whether or not I am making progress, if not then what is the hold-up if there is no hold up then I come up with my plan for the day to move forward.

This section will be dedicated to sharing this list that I make.

This is an example of how this will work.

First run-through of the list.

  1. Already failed.

  2. Will be learning to knit this weekend while dog sitting.

  3. Success.

  4. Completed the first homework assignment need to watch the next lecture.

    • Watch the next lecture.

      • Getting late and I'm in creative mode now. I think the window for learning is closed.

  5. Success.

  6. Need to figure out which one-day cleanse I want to try.

    • Figured it out will announce it when I start it before I go to bed.

  7. The bucket of food is on order.

  8. Need to repost this one on Friday to get some last minute voting.

  9. Success

  10. Will write later tonight.

    • Follow through and write later tonight.

      • I'm going to start a little earlier today, hopefully this means I'll be able to get a lot more done tonight.

  11. On going passive resolution.

  12. I need to figure out my angle on this one.

    • Keep this in mind as I work.

      • I'm going to keep this in mind, but will not be starting anything.

  13. On going passive resolution.

  14. I need to wait until I have money for supplies.

  15. Almost done with my water intake for the day.

    • Drink 32 more ounces.

      • Done.

  16. Waiting until I have more time to focus on this. Maybe after I'm done with the novel. I do have a year.

  17. On going passive resolition.

  18. Waiting until I can afford materials.

  19. Waiting for reviews to come in to share.

  20. Orders placed waiting for free stuff to arrive.

  21. I did this this morning just need to post about it.

    • Post the update.

      • Done.

  22. I have a research plan that I'm waiting on material to return focus on this project.

  23. On going during downtime as I work.

    • Continue to sort as I go.

  24. Still on a learn as needed basis. I'm going to borrow a classroom in a book book then will start more of a regiment.

    • Wait for a need to come up.

      • Nothing came up today.

  25. I hope people noticed that I'm working on this one. Will watch a workshop or two via Squarespace.

    • Watch at least one workshop video.

      • For the most part this workshop video on blogging if filled with tips and instructions that I've stumbled on over the past year, it is meant for beginners after all, but I did learn one thing that I will start to implement tomorrow. This viewing was a success!

  26. I need to write up my Netflix pitch but will give it a couple days so that it becomes new again.

    • At least write this pitch up.

      • I'll create a pitch tomorrow that's not the Netflix one. I'll surprise you when I'm ready to commit to this pitch (again I hesitate out of having just pitched this in the intro out of procrastination.)

  27. Waiting until I need a break.

    • Read

      • Took a break early this time. Last night when I started this resolution I waited until closer the the end of the day to get some reading in before bed. That turned out to be a bad idea because I fought so hard to stay awake that I had probably about 25% retention of what I read.

  28. Need to set up my Xbox with the Punch-Out simulator.

    • At least get the Xbox set up

      • Hooked up the Xbox!

Now I will go through this list and come up with my plan for the day and add the plan as sub-bullet points.

Later at the end of the day I will post my achievements.

Note: These notes are intentionally vague so that I don't have to spend too much time writing them up. If you are lost and want to know what I'm talking about please visit the corresponding resolution.