Dateline 12-11-2017

Holy Moly, proofreading a novel is way more time consuming than proofreading than proofreading a feature-length script, as I learned from last night's efforts. I knew this would be the case, I just wasn't prepared for just how much a difference there would actually be since I figured the math would be twice as many pages would simply translate to twice as much time to read.

Alright, I knew there would be more to the math than that considering how the screenplay format is very stripped down to where there are a lot fewer words on any given page to create a one-page to one-minute ratio while a novel can get way more dense.  That said, I was still under the impression that I would be able to read my own words in under a handful of hours and again was completely wrong.

The fact that it took me all day to proofread this draft is actually a good thing. Not only does it highlight to me just how much I've added to the story through the adaptation process but it also leaves me feeling excited by the fact that I've created a piece of content that is expanded enough to where it will take more than one sitting to get from the beginning all the way to the end.

The first time I read the novel was while I was doing a rewrite at the same time so it was hard to get a sense of how a real reader would actually interact with my work. Because of this, reading the entire story through, while only taking a handful of breaks, now has me twice as confident that it works as a long format fictional piece that I can't wait to share as soon as I make a few changes.

With that, it's now time to get to work in order to start draft three as I hope to fit in at least this draft and a layout from digital publication draft by the end of the next three week. As always, I'll keep you posted on my progress when I check in tomorrow with another update. Until then, it's now time to say good luck and good day to you and all of you projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker