Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Seventy-Six, Dateline 10-3-2018

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity for action despite our fears.
— John McCain

Good afternoon crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-seventy-six of Operation Achieve Anything. It’s day number two of my latest attempt to switch over to a graveyard schedule. This is probably the third time within the past couple of months that I’ve made the switch because it’s a more efficient schedule for me to fit in everything that I want to do, even though it takes way more work to stick to it. The problem has been, with my day job so inconsistent with its workflow, when the tasks run out in the middle of the night, I give in and go to sleep. Three workless days in a row, and next thing you know I’m back onto a more traditional schedule for sleep.

This time, I think I’m going to stick to the schedule no matter what, and if the work goes dry, rather than sleep, I’ll just get back to work on my behind-the-scenes efforts to clean up this site. Right now, the only thing that hard about staying up all not is that it means that I have to witness the most restless hours of my dying dog. It turns out that she’s got some kind of cancer and only a couple of month to live. She doesn’t seem miserable to the point where she whimpers or whines but she is clearly slowing down, and it’s sad to what from my desk that looks out over my entire room, allowing me to watch her aimlessly wander trying to find a comfortable place to lay down.

Thankfully, we just got her drugs, but they are still new to her. I don’t think she all that comfortable approaching or exiting the painkillers’ buzz, because when they fully kick in, she’ll crash anywhere with her relieved sleepy eyes but during the build-up to and the come down from the peak she seems to fight the cloudy effects on her head. This leads to one of those things that’s sad but kind of funny where I can see from her eyes that she safe still sedated and safe but she’ll fight laying down to the point where she starts to fall over. Of course, I wouldn’t put her in that position if she wasn’t sick, but there is something funny about a drunk dog. It then because extra sad as it sets in that I only let her get to this out of it state because her time on this planet is almost over.

I also have to give her antibiotics and apply a salve to her tender tummy where her cancerous mass is growing, and she’s started to lick it raw. Though I’m not always good at sticking to healthy routines when it comes to myself unless I make it a public challenge, it’s easy to do this for her because she can’t do it for herself and her issues need daily attention, just like feeding and caring for her in general. This kind of reminds me of yesterday’s task where the lesson was that forgiveness wasn’t an occasional act but something that needs constant effort.

Though I wish there were a cure-all pill to give her just once, that’s not ever going to happen. It’s kind of like expecting the one-time apology for something done wrong to be an all-encompassing apology for all that I’ve done wrong, which is just not how life works. I get what the books saying about how if you want to maintain relationships mutual forgiveness is required on a much more frequent basis.

My problem is, the book kind of treats it like there’s never any real resolve and that you have to keep dancing with these people who’ve wrong you or who you’ve done wrong. Granted the book said, “Just because you forgive an employee for robbing your business doesn’t mean that you have to hire them back,” adding that maybe the saying should be forgiven but don’t forget, it never gets to the point of suggesting cutting all ties if there is no more need for resolve, or even if the effort is worthless.

Today, the book is moving on to the topic of courage, with is excellent because considering my current situation, the theme of forgiveness was really bumming me out, which is probably a sign that this is an area that I need to focus more attention on, which I’ve noted inside my head. As for the actual assignment, I’m just supposed to list the people I either know or am aware of who I see as heroes to me.

As always, you have to wait for tomorrows post to see who these people are and what I have to say about them. Until then, it’s time for me to wrap this one up with my usual saying of, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.