Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Forty, Dateline 12-6-2018

If you can’t learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly.
— Ashleigh Brilliant

Good afternoon crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-forty of Operation Achieve Anything. For the first time in at least a week, I woke up this morning, a little extra late, feeling completely uninspired as to what I wanted to say in this post. I think this is possibly because I’ve been a little extra rambly over the past couple of days and have hit my maximum word count. It probably also has to do with the fact that I’ve been spending every second of my spare time cleaning up the older content throughout this site to tidy it up for my New Year’s plan to finally start to actively promote this page as my job and not just a long-term hobby.

Before this current boost in my extracurricular productivity levels, I was becoming well trained to walk away from my computer and actively put effort into relaxing to end my day. I was living an early to bed/early to rise existence for about a month with well defined times for work, play, and rest. It was experiencing this lifestyle that led me to see that I was already on the cusp of living my dreams. All it would take is a minimum wage income and I would be pleased as punch to ride out the rest of my existence this way.

This is why I’ve been double down my efforts to get this page presentable ever since the start of this month. The tedious task of proofreading and adding marketing links to each and every old page may be dull, but it’s tolerable because when I get into a groove, it’s pretty brainless work that allows me to just tune out and listen to whatever podcast is playing in the background. That said, by the time my day is done, my mind feels even more fried than after an entire day filled with more challenging work where my brain is actively involved, if not, more fried because at least I’ve been training to continually come up with creative thoughts.

Anyways, in the past, when I would switch to relaxation mode, my mind would wander into a world of fantasy leading me to stumble across the general idea of what I want to say in my Daily Breaker post when I wake up. I then sleep on these thoughts, and BAM, I at least know what I want to explore. With these post being as stream of conscious as they are, I mainly have bullet points that are flexible enough to change as I let my head choreograph my fingers as they dance to express these thoughts.

Now that I’ve added this extra workload of non-creative nonsense, I just sit like a couch potato while letting the TV do all of the heavy lifting to keep my head entertained/occupied. This is probably why it felt like it took a lot more work to prime my pump and get my words flowing the first thing this more but as you can see, once I get started it just goes. Though I wish I could capture the same “just musing” style that I have while sitting on the couch, where I’m less inhibited due to the fact that I know that I won’t be judged, I feel like I’m getting closer and closer capturing that voice with each passing day. I’m actually extremely pleased to see how I can make something out of nothing like on days like today.

This post might not be the best, but I feel it’s passable enough to where I feel that it’s a bit better than just okay. The other probably could be that yesterday’s assignment from the Achieve Anything... book was one where there was no task involved, and I was just supposed to enjoy my day, playing off the theme that you only live once and should get while the getting is good and just enjoy each moment. This is probably why I didn’t push myself more into thinking about the topic because I was too busy fulfilling the task and just enjoying the moment.

Today, the book wants me to share an example of something that I’m bad at that I love to do and how I can still incorporate this hobby into my life without worrying if I’ll ever figure out how to be perfect at said skill. I have plenty of examples of hobbies that meet this task, but you’ll have to wait for tomorrow to read which one I use to complete this assignment. Until then, it’s now that time for me to wrap this one up and sign off as usual by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.