Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Forty-One, Dateline 12-7-2018

We make zero percent of the shots we don’t take.
— Michael Jordan

Good afternoon crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-forty-one of Operation Achieve Anything. Here we go with another morning where I have nothing preplanned in my head as I sit here struggling to come up with something to say. Yesterday was a day where, due to what seemed to be a billion changes in plans, I ended up working way later than I wanted and didn’t leave myself enough time to relax enough to just muse during my wind-down process for the day. This led me to stay up later that I wanted and wake later in the day as well. It’s amazing how I can’t seem to stick to a sleep schedule for longer than a month.

Now, thanks to the late start, I’m more in my head, pressuring myself to hurry up and get things done, instead of the way I would be when I was waking at six and saw no problem at all with meandering through the first hour or so of my day. I don’t know why my start time makes any difference being that I still have to put in the same exact amount of work. I really wish that I could go back to the days when I would just wake and sleep as needed while working and playing between each bout of slumber, whether it was night or day.

I think that I’ll be able to get back to that point within the next couple of months now that my mom is retired. As I openly share, after my mid-life meltdown I moved home to living in the garage while I attempt to get my life back together. This was after living two states away from my family for twenty years where I could only afford to come back to visit once a year for Christmas, if that. So, I came home to reconnect as much as I returned to get my act together since I know that in I manage to successfully get to the next stage in my goal I’ll be moving a couple states in the other direction in my effort to escape big city living.

Being that it took my family twenty years to finally visit me while I was living in Seattle, I figure I need to get as much family time in before I move once again. This is why I spend my prime time hours watching television with my mom. Now that she’s retired, her husband, who lives in LA until he too retires at the end of this month, will be moving in. He’s not as big of a fan of TV so the plan is for my mom and me to watch her shows during the day so that they can have their evenings as a couple.

This will allow me to work on my blog obligations all the way up to TV time, then take a couple hour break to get caught up on shows, and then return to my room to work away until the cow come home without having to slow up my efforts as prime time approaches. Just last week, before my mom was retired, the evening break would kill any momentum that I had if I was in a groove to where it would be impossible to pick up where I left off if I wished to get back to work again. This is probably the key to how I transitioned to being a morning person in the first place.

Right now, everyone in the house is adjusting to my mother’s life change. Yesterday, was her first full day home having spent the first half of the week up in LA with her husband. I can’t wait for everyone to settle in because I’m actually pretty excited about the way this is developing. Another reason I would watch prime time TV in the evening was that it bummed me out that she would watch shows alone with her husband in another town, and my little sister, who also lives here with her kid, can’t stand reality shows, so I was the one to keep her company. It’s nice to know that she’ll have company in the evenings and since he’s not a TV guy, my mom and I can still have our time without it having to be tied to a schedule. It’s now just a matter of time before everything will finally settle.

This might also allow me to slow up any self-sabotaging efforts that stem from the guilt of desperately wanting to move far away once again. It’s not that I want to escape any specific person, I just want to escape city living in general because I want to live in a much quieter world with green trees and some form of natural body of water. I want a small cabin with windows and a view, run water from the body of water, power from the wind and sun, and internet from a high-speed service provider. I do want the modern comforts, I’m just done with dealing with the fast uncaring pace of the modern world.

I guess this explanation of how I see my life playing out fulfills the task from yesterday’s assignment where I was supposed to explore something I love to do even though I’m terrible at it. I love nothing more than seeing a potentially positive future even though I’m awful at bringing any plan to fruition. I love to do so through the writing that I’m bad at, while also living a life that I love even though I flounder with every single move. Doing something that I love even though I am bad at it, pretty much sums up my pathetic existence in general.

With that, I will consider yesterday’s task to be fulfilled and move on to introduce that assignment for today where I’m now supposed to examine the Michael Jordan quote of the day about how we make zero percent of the shots that we never take. This is another topic that I can ramble on about for days, but you’ll have to way for tomorrow’s update to read what I have to say. Until then, it’s now that time to sign of as usual by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.