Operation Achieve Anything: Day Sixty, Dateline 2-29-2018 (AKA 3-1-2018)

Think what you feel, say what you think, do what you say, feel what you do.
— Eric L. Mott

Hey Crickets, welcome to day number sixty of Operation Achieve Anything which also happens to be day two of my non-leap year non-birthday extravaganza. Day one of the festivities was nice in that my sister bought me poke for lunch and my mom brought home some cake to have after dinner. Other than that it was just another day unless you count all of the random birthday wishes from Facebook friends from people who must wish everyone a happy birthday whenever they show in the reminder portion of the FB page since I haven’t talked to any of these people for years.

This was a sad year because it was the first where no one who I genuinely miss checked in at all. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate these people whole only chime in yearly on my special day and enjoyed whatever time we spent together but for the most part, these were people I barely knew even back when we were acquaintances. It seems that my true friends from the past have now truly written me off following my defeated efforts to push everyone away.

I accept all of the blame, I’m just sharing another observation which leads us to yesterday’s assignment about where observation was the theme. Granted yesterday’s task was more about observing the pleasures experience through my five senses but observing was done nonetheless. Also, the above was just happened to turn into the perfect transition.

As far as the actual assignment goes, the poke bowl my sister bought as a gift pretty much fulfilled the assignment on its own. Since I was supposed to observe what I was experiencing through my five senses what could be better than a bowl filled with a crazy blend of yummy food.

First off, just looking at the bowl made me hungry with all of the different colors of vegetables and fish. The smell was the next to follow and if the poke bowl itself didn’t smell good enough, we also had a side of edamame that were flavored with garlic and whatever else to create a delicious odor that was out of this world. Each forkful of food was packed with different delicious flavors since I order all of the toppings which is a bunch of ingredients. These toppings also provided a wonderful variety of textures that really add to the eating experience.

The only sense that food lack is sound, but I took care of that by listening to my favorite podcasts throughout the day. The fact that my sense of hearing didn’t come into play while enjoying the meal doesn’t disqualify enjoying my meal from being a task a task that would fulfill the assignment since I was supposed to be observing my senses throughout the entire day, my lunch was just the easiest example to write about.

Today’s assignment warns that it’s going to be the start of a run of lessons that all carry the common theme of taking personal responsibility. I’m not looking forward to this, not because I’m not willing to take any blame but because I hate how this book handles themed sets of assignments by simply rewording the same concepts again and again and again. Not only that, but the assignment seem less inspired like how today, I’m just supposed to write down the quote from today’s lesson and look at it whenever I feel that I need a reminder of this bumper sticker way to think.

We’ll see what kind of update this task-less assignment leads to when I check in with tomorrow’s post. Until then, it’s now that time where me to sign off as usual by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

 Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.