Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Forty-Three, Dateline 5-23-2018

Spirit... has fifty times the strength and staying power of brawn and muscle.
— Unknown

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-forty-three of Operation Achieve Anything. I am so happy today because my body finally seems to be healing from my latest bout with lower back pains. I have sciatica and can usually maintain the pain with medical marijuana, which is the whole reason I started to smoke in the first place. The problem is, the cheap weed vape cartridges that I buy to help me with my insomnia, don’t seem to be all that effective when it comes to pain relief.

Fortunately, my sciatic pain only acts up randomly once every couple of years and when it does, I can usually resolve the issue quickly by buying so top shelf flowers. For whatever reason, the plant version of weed helps me with pain more than even the high-end vape cartridges do. Unfortunately, my broke ass had to wait around a month in order to afford some fresh herb.

Since I had to wait so long the pain started to spread to the point where it was getting unbearable which may be why I might have been a bit more annoyed throughout my past several posts and Saturday Night Live reviews. It’s just hard to feel inspired when it feels impossible to get comfortable, but it’s hard to tell because I’ve also been questioning my content’s quality, ever since I started this new job.

Thankfully, I recently received a pretty hefty paycheck, at least for me, and have been able to knock out the spreading pain within a couple of days. Right now, the point of source of the pain is still a little tender but even that discomfort is starting to fade away. The timing couldn’t be better because I am also growing much more comfortable with my new job. Now I just need to figure out a schedule where I don’t feel rushed to make my day.

This should be pretty easy considering how I’ve been starting at around 6:00 in the AM and wrapping things up around 3:30 in the PM. I’m able to make this schedule because I work straight with very little breaks, which is nice because I finish my day early but it also sucks because minus any breaks I feel extra burnt out from working almost nine hours straight. It’s not the number of hours that bother me, I just need to split things up so I don’t constantly feel like I’m in a self-imposed rush in order to finish with enough time to fit in a nap before spending some time with the family.

I think I’m close to figuring it out so please bear with me as I do. With that, let's get into yesterday’s assignment where I was supposed to make two lists, one noting my wishes and the other noting my purposes in life. The difference being wishes are things you want to magically happen while purpose is something that you work at until it does.

Here’s what I got for you:


To make it as a writer


To write

Note: This is a very short list but that’s not because I’m feeling uninspired and am just rushing through the task at hand, it’s because this is all that I really want. The reason I only wish to “make it” is to be able to afford to fulfill my purpose without a day job getting in my way. Hell, as you can see up above, even this new part-time job is affecting my written work more than I would like it to.

Though I would like to have “making it” as an actual purpose, I think it will take years of therapy and coaching to get me over the mental block that keeps telling me that I’m just an imposter who doesn’t deserve it. Thankfully, now that I have more of a steady income I’m going to use my first full paycheck to start working on my mental needs so that hopefully my wish will turn to a purpose sometime soon.

As for today’s assignment, I’m supposed to explore how high-spirits alone can help you overcome any hurdles that may get in your way. I often say in my SNL reviews how sometimes, a host with a great attitude can turn an otherwise terrible show into a great one simply by the fact that they seem to be having fun, while even the most talented host can screw up the best-written content simply by having a bad attitude.

Of course, I’ll delve more into this task when I check in with tomorrow’s update. Until then, it’s now time to wrap this thing up as usual by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.  

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.