Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Sixty-Six, Dateline 6-15-2018

Almost anything is easier to get into than to get out of.
— Agnes Allen

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-sixty-six of Operation Achieve Anything. I’m so excited that it’s Friday and I’m just a couple of hour away from being done with my day job for a couple of days. I hate how much this gig drains my energy each week, especially considering how easy the work is and how it should be a stress-free job. It almost feels like the company keeps throwing extra hurdles in order to stop us from settling into a groove by making subtle changes to their expectation randomly throughout the week.

Again, I’m currently doing web-search optimization where I have to first rate the relativity of a search’s results and then rate the quality of the page. To make things even easier, they provided a detailed flow chart to help with the decisions. The problem is, there are a few items on the checklists that are subjective and it seems that none of the people who do the auditing are on the same page, so there is no such thing as consistent feedback.

To top off the frustration, I’m allowed to dispute my audits and over half the time I end up being correct. This creates a complete lack of trust for the process, especially considering that I’m a contracted worker who can be fired at the drop of the hat based on my accuracy score. This being able to get fired based on a flawed quality control system is the main source of my stress throughout the week since I am in desperate need of the income, so by Friday, as soon as I’m done, all that I want to do is crawl back in bed and go to sleep.

Thankfully, the stress only stands out when I’m actually working so my time off does allow me to reset, but then again, this only makes the cyclical pattern that has been created even more draining on my soul. Then again, I haven’t been on a pay cycle long enough to replenish what’s been lost with the money I’ve earned and the new comforts that my paycheck will allow me to afford that will make my day to day living more manageable. At least that’s what I hope.

Now let’s get into today’s tasks from the Achieve Anything… book that I’m here to report on. Yesterday, I was assigned to journal about his my humor has helped me to be a good friend. I’ve already been bummed out enough by explaining my relationship with humor from this second round of laughter based lessons so I’m just going to make this quick.

As I keep saying, I used to be nothing but laughs and fun until I got tired of being the butt of my own joke and lost all of the people who liked me for my humor almost instantly. Yes, I did a lot of pushing to keep people away from the unfunny new me but at the same time, no one was really fighting for me to stay because the either didn’t like what I had become or were already fed up with the old me. Either way, I used to be a good friend if you wanted laughs but now there’s no real place for the physical me, which is why I’m now fine with the shut-in version of me that I’ve created, who secretly expresses himself silently to the world through this blog.

For today’s assignment, I’m supposed to explore the idea about how it’s easier to get into things while it’s can feel impossible to get out of the things we start. The lesson being that you may have to climb out of holes when you fall by using baby steps, which is nice because it means the book is done with round two of its focus on laughter but at the same time, it’s also a bit frustrating because it contradicts the procrastination themed section where many assignments encourage skipping baby steps and jumping right in.

I know the point of the procrastination lessons were more in reference to social activities like why wait to lose weight through diet before starting a fitness routine, before making any attempt to date when you can start all of these at once, but it’s still contradicting the logic. Plus, I’m also annoyed that we’re moving on to stuff more stuff that’s already been covered by the book and I still feel nowhere closer to accomplishing the actual goal that inspired me to start this challenge since I’ve been wasting so much time with this cliché self-help nonsense.

That said, this Operation Achieve Anything Challenge was also a way to generate content so I’m fine with continuing on with these post which I’ll be doing again tomorrow. With that said, it’s now time for me to wrap this thing up in order to finish my day. So, I’ll sign off as usual by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.