Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Seventy-Five, Dateline 6-24-2018

Had it been merely vanity that had made him do his one good deed? Or the desire for a new sensation?... Or that passion to act a part that sometimes makes us do things finer than we are ourselves.
— Oscar Wilde

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-seventy-five of Operation Achieve Anything. It’s Sunday and I’m feeling like garbage. I don’t know what’s going on with my back. It felt like it was getting better yesterday morning but by the time evening came around I could barely even walk. The weird thing is, this is a new pain that’s very sporadic as to when it will act up. So I’ll be getting around just fine and then, BAM, out of the blue I’ll feel like I’m about to collapse.

My hopes are that since the sciatica pain that stems from my butt is gone, then maybe these new pains are from the bad posture that I’ve been resorting to in order to dampen the old pains. Hopefully, if that’s the case, that pain will go away after a while of walking around like a normal human being again. I’m sad that my go-to fix, marijuana, didn’t work as well this time but it did make a big difference from the week when my supplies ran dry.

Speaking of which, sorry if I sound extra rambly, last night I ate a bunch of edibles that was apparently powerful enough that I still have a bit of a buzz. With that in mind, let's get into the assignments I’m here to report on for the day. I think I already covered yesterday’s task over the past couple of days since it was a repeated lesson about how having positive motive will payout better in the long run even if negative motive may be able to get you to the top at a quicker pace. I don’t think that it’s possible to work on a goal for decades without getting anywhere while being a conniving/backstabbing villain, so I think that’s a sign that my intentions are good.

For today’s assignment, I’m supposed to pretend that I’m a better person than I actually am. Once again, this is another “fake it until you make it” lesson that’s already been covered with different examples and different words and is a concept that I have mixed feelings about but you’ll have to wait for tomorrow’s update to find out what these mixed feelings are, that or search for the last time this was the topic. Either way, it’s now time for me to wrap this thing up as usual by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.