Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Ninety-Six, Dateline 7-15-2018

Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
— Walk Disney

Good morning Crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-ninety-six of Operation Achieve Anything. It's Sunday and once again I am hungover as I think I've fully evolved into a weekend warrior since starting this day job. I don't know if it's the fact that I now have a steady stream of income or if I feel the need to drink to drown out my thoughts of this stupid job and enjoy my time away from it.

Last night, while drunk, I noted that I wanted to explain the whole cricket’s intro once again because I often wonder if it's seen as a negative way to start my posts if my meaning gets misinterpreted. In general, the sound of crickets heard during a performance is a sign that things aren't going so well and the audience is so silent that the insect's chirps can clearly be heard without any audience response to compete with.

Meanwhile, the actual crickets are the only ones actively involved in the situation even if they are too small and/or hidden to be seen. That's how I see my reader. They may not be all that publicly visible but based on the numbers I can see that they are there, chirpping away at my content throughout the day.

I think I prefer it this way because it allows me to be more voyeuristic than having a vocal audience that might get me to second guess my every word. So, if you are a cricket out there reading this or any other of my words, let it be known that I appreciate your readership as well as your silence.

Now, let's dig into the assignments for the day, that are both sort of lame so I'll be wrapping this post up really soon. For yesterday's assignment, I was supposed to more reflecting on obstacles which has been the book's focus all week and the topic is getting very old, especially considering the obstacles I have at this time are not the fun rewarding ones, as described in each example.

Right now, my biggest obstacle is pain and it has no silver lining no matter what the book might claim. My sciatica is finally starting to clear up, which is rewarding because the pain will be gone but it also means that I will soon have to double down on my work to make up for the shortcuts used while writing from bed. Since my laptop doesn't have the same software as my main computers, I now have to go back and double check all of my work to catch all of the mistakes I may have made while typing on my dumber computer.

And don't even get me started on the condition of my room after not being to bend over to pick anything up for a little over two weeks. Oh well, that's all I've got on the subject, now let's move on to the task for today where I'm supposed to share the last time that curiosity has led me down a new path.

I'm kind of excited about this topic but you'll have to wait for tomorrows update in order to see what I manage to come up with. As always, it's now time to wrap this thing up with my usual saying of, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.