Resolution #302: Work On My Balance...

Date: 10-29-2014

Due Date: 10-29-2015

The Resolution: For the past month I've been learning how much balance exercises actually work the entire body. I've been working up to be able to plank for five minutes as part of Resolution #266 and it amazing how many muscles ache the day after each attempt.

Right now I'm able to plank for four minutes and even that feels like a full-body workout as I collapse to the floor when the timer beeps. This makes me want to experiment with other balance workouts to see if this is the fitness route for me.

I'm going to start out by getting a balance board then searching the internet for workouts in an attempt to find a daily routine that I’ll be willing to stick to. Between the daily push-ups, ab wheel, and planking I feel like I'm getting close.

Again, I’m hoping to create another positive habit.


Result #302: I seem to have no balance in my life right now, not even a balance board to complete this resolution.


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 10-29-2015

If you have been following my progress at all I'm sure it will not come as a surprise to you to hear that I failed this resolution to buy and use a balance board because I am currently a bigger broke ass than usual.

I am however getting back on my feet. I make a tiny bit of money through freelance work and a little bit more from my day job. By combining these two incomes I make enough to get by with very little to spend on anything fun. I am also in the application process for a second day-job. If I get this job I will be set. Well, I'll be making enough to live like I have a shitty full-time job!!!

Maybe someday I'll make enough to live like I have a mediocre full-time job but for now… getting this third job would be enough for me to have the spending money to avoid so many failures. Once I can pull this off I will buy a balance board and get started… balancing myself.

As always I'll keep you posted on my progress.