Resolution #195: Track Down A Sponsor... And Not The AA Kind!!!

Date: 7-14-2014

Due Date: 7-14-2015

Resolution: As I often acknowledge on  The Wicker Breaker homepage, I'm still in the process of trying to find my voice as a blogger. I've only been at it for a little over a year and a half so that means that I have a little less than eight and a half years to live out to the proclamation that, "It takes ten years to create an overnight success."

Hopefully the sixteen years I've spent writing screenplays will count toward a couple of these years but either way, I fully intend to ride it out and attempt to rack up the 10,000 hours required to become an outlier.

Yeah, yeah, if these equations were accurate, I'd already be a successful screenwriter by now… having… as I just said… put in at least sixteen years and well over 10,000 hours writing my tales. I just like having these adages as an excuse as to why I haven't made it yet and an inspiration to keep going despite the feelings of defeat.

It's all just a matter of time.

And I've got 535 days left to work on this 365 Days of Resolution, yeah the math doesn't add up but I was thinking more about the 365 Resolutions and not the time it would take me to complete these tasks when naming the project.

Anyways, if you know me then you know that I am 100% committed to completing this challenge no matter what the cost and being that one of the goals of a successful blogger is to not only monetize their site but also to come up with a network of support. I figure now (or sometime within the year,) might be the time to seek sponsorship.

I have a couple of ideas but right now it's just idealized fantasies that some company will agree that I'm on to something enough to provide some form of support.

We'll see what happens.

And as always, I'll keep you posted.


Result #195: In All Honesty… I Know I Need More Practice With This Blog For Sponsorship To Be A Serious Goal… But… A Boy Can Dream…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 7-14-2015

My American Dream is not to be number one, not to be the richest person on the planet, and only jokingly to sell out and become what I hate. My American Dream is to get by doing what I enjoy on my terms.

Unfortunately, that takes money, not much in my case but there's no getting around it. This is why I'm using this blog for the practice. As I've pointed out before, I have a lot of experience writing fiction but blogging is a whole new beast that I'm trying to figure out.

If you're following this experiment at all you can see that I've got a routine down, writing every day whether I'm in the mood or not. The problem is, I'm still trying to find my voice. I guess I shouldn't say it's a problem since I intend to work on this until I find said voice.

Since this is still a work in progress and it's still in the early stages, I'm not all that surprised that I've yet to find a sponsor. To be honest, I haven't even really tried because I know I'm not ready.

A boy can dream though, and that's why I set this resolution which I hope to someday take out of the fail pile.