Resolution #242: Obtain At Least One Bitcoin By Earning It And Not By Purchasing One...

Date: 8-30-2014

Due Date: 8-30-2015

Resolution: I both know and don't know enough about Bitcoins to risk investing in one of them. That said I'd still love to own one.

I have a feeling that I'm eventually going to resolve to add a store to One of these items I create will be interesting enough to sell. Even if it's bought for the novelty of it all.

I'm not quite there yet, but when this store opens I'll definitely be accepting Bitcoins.

If they're still around that is.


Result #242: It's Been A Year And I’ve Yet To Figure Out A Way To Earn A Bitcoin… :(


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 8-30-2015

I'm still not fully sure what a Bitcoin actually is, but I'm still sure that I want one and don't want to be scammed in the process. Being that the one thing I do know about Bitcoins is that they are very volatile, I don't really want to spend my money on one.

I've done a few searches for how to legitimately mine free Bitcoins, but every article I find has the word bit in its web address. Maybe if I found a non-bit-backed source for information I'd be willing to give this mining a shot, though I heard it cost more to power your computer than the value of your findings.

I would like to earn a Bitcoin.

The best options seem to be to either sell a painting or a story, or some used DVDs for a bitcoin. As long as the value of the coin at the time of the trade is reasonable I'd accept the offer and deal with the gamble of the coin’s value after the trade.

I know it takes money to make money but I'm not sure how this saying works with fake money, and because the only way I know to get my hands on a Bitcoin at this point is to buy it, and not any of the ways I'm willing to try, this resolution turned out to be a fail.