Resolution #286: Buy A Rocking Chair And Take Up Whittling...

Date: 10-13-2014

Due Date: 10-13-2015

The Resolution: Over the past couple of weeks… I've been assembling my very own 3D Printer. Last night I realized that whittling was the original 3D Printing. I started to wonder if whittling would give me any insights on 3D design.

So I decided I'll give it a shot.

Plus it seems like another relaxing hobby to get into.


Result #286: No Rocking Chair Purchased… And Not One Whittled Stick To Be Found… Just Another Failure To Add To The Pile…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 10-13-2015


Another day another failure. Part of me keeps thinking that I should give up on this whole resolution experiment altogether. I feel like I've lost my ambition and drive since I decided to move. Where I was once delusionally optimistic that I'd figure out a way to succeed at a majority of these tasks, or at least have entertaining tales of failure, I now feel defeated and can't even keep up with what's due.

Even though it's looking like the bulk of the remaining resolutions will fail I'm going to keep at it in hopes that I can save this experiment with my upcoming redemption bucket list challenge where I plan to complete all the failed resolutions before I die. 

So if you're following along at home, brace yourself for more failure because I'm too deep in this to quit and still have hopes that my delusional optimism will someday return. So please, bear with me while I figure this out.