Resolution #332: Learn To Draw What I See...

Date: 11-28-2014

Due Date: 11-28-2015

The Resolution: Of all the resolutions that I've made so far, learning to draw has been the most life change of these experiments. I've already completed a couple of learn-to-draw books and now it's time to start another.

I'm getting pretty good at following guides that show how to draw specific objects but I need to figure out how to draw what I see.

Luckily I found this book; How To Draw What You See!!!

By this time next year… I will have worked my way through all the assignments in said book.


Result #332: I Successfully Started To “Learn How To Draw What I See” But… I Failed To Finish…


Project #1: Basic Structure Of Objects…

Date: 3-9-2015


Project #2: Eye Level: Foundation Of Perspective… 

Date: 3-10-2015


Project #3: Drawing Cubic Objects… 

Date: 3-12-2015


Project #4: Drawing Cylindrical Objects. 

Date: 3-13-2015


Project #5: Drawing Spherical Objects…

Date: 3-13-2015


Project #6: Drawing Conical Objects… 

Date: 3-14-2015


Project #7: Putting Basic Forms Together…

Date: 3-15-2015


Project #8: The Horizon Plane…

Date: 3-16-2015


Project #9: Light And Shade…

Date: 3-18-2015


Update #10: The Conclusion…

Date: 11-28-2015


I started this resolution a while ago with plenty of time to meet my deadline. Then I ran out of supplies. Sure I have a lot of pencils but I ran out of the fancy numbered pencils with B's and H's on them that are required to move forward in the book. This led me to end up taking an unplanned break that lasted longer than I was expecting.

This break extended further because I landed a couple of ghostwriting gigs and had to switch my focus to getting paid. I finished these side projects but lost my steam with the project and forgot to pick up where I left off.

As I've said in the past the whole resolution thing is evolving into a bucket list experiment and rather than rush to slap together a sloppy success, I'm going to wait until I can focus on each of these failures until I can do it right.

As always, I'll keep you posted when I get around to getting it done.