Resolution #83: Properly Solve A Rubik's Cube...

Date: 3-24-2014

Due Date: 3-24-2015

Resolution: I'm old enough that the Rubik's Cube has come in and out of popularity several times in my life. I'm not sure if I've ever properly solved this puzzle. I do know that I used to take my mom's Rubik's Cube apart and put it back together in the right order, but I don't think that counts.

In researching ideas for resolutions I've found more than one website devoted to suggesting items to add to your bucket list include the completion of this novelty as a must. Being that I am unsure as to whether or not I can legitimately check this off my list, this year I will make it official.


Result #83: I May Not Have Solved Any Major World Problems… But I Figured Out The Solution To The Rubik’s Cube!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 3-24-2015

When I set this resolution I planned to order a custom-made Rubik's Cube made up of The Wicker Breaker images instead of colors. As with many of these resolutions, I didn't act right away and ended up putting off until it was too late to order a custom cube until it was too late.

Luckily Rubik's Cube went through a phase of popularity while my little sisters were in High School and my youngest sister had one lying around, nice and scrambled up from my nephew playing with it for months.

Here's how things went down.

Here is the scrambled cube in question…

Here is the scrambled cube in question.

First I solved one side…

First I solved one side.

Then I solved the center rows…

Then I solved the center rows.

After that I solved the bottom…

After that I solved the bottom.

And finally… I solved the whole thing!!!

Now I can knock solving a Rubik's Cube off my list of things to do before I die and consider this resolution a success.


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