Resolution #86: Boycott All Movie Remakes And Reboots...

Date: 3-27-2014

Due Date: 3-27-2015

Resolution: You know what drives me even crazier than reboots and remakes of old and new movies? People who complain that Hollywood isn't coming up with anything original any more… only to then rush out to see any recycled piece of garbage that is put up on the screen.

It's time to start putting the adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," to the test and start breaking some of these patterns that we constantly bitch about as we participate in the act that we're complaining about.

I think the last reboot I watched was 21 Jump Street, and I only watched it because I heard it was funny and actually had nothing to do with the original show. Now that I think about it, this may actually be more damaging. At least with most genuine remakes and reboots, they try to somewhat resemble the originals.

Being that I don't watch many new movies in general this boycott is going to be pretty easy for me, but if you read this and agree with the declined state of modern cinema then join in and stop watching unoriginal material.

PS, Godzilla doesn't count. New Godzillas doing the same thing is kind of a staple to the Godzilla genre.


Result #86: I Successfully Boycotted Remakes And Reboots For An Entire Year… And I Plan To Continue This Ban!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 3-27-2015


As the title says, I've successfully boycotted remakes and reboots for an entire year and plan to keep the boycott going. It shouldn't be all that hard, I'm barely ever in the mood to watch movies anymore, so when I do I'm much more selective than I was in the past.


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