Resolution #134: Finally Experiment With Sensory Deprivation Tanks...

Date: 5-14-2014

Due Date: 5-14-2015

Resolution: About 15 years ago a group of friends chipped in to buy me a gift certificate to try one of these Sensory Deprivation Tanks for my birthday. At the time I was far too afraid of being trapped with my own thoughts to give it a try. I've been obsessed with the concept ever since.

This will be the year that I finally give it a shot.

Knowing myself the way I do, I know for sure the first time I'll be too uncomfortable to fully appreciate the experience. I'll have no idea what to do with my hands, whether to cross my arms and rest them on my chest or just let them float.

My natural instincts will be to cross my arms and rest my hands on my chest, but then I'll think, "I don't know. I'm sensing my own touch maybe I should let them float." Then I'll let my arms float for a while and feel stupid, as if I'm just recreating what I imagine is supposed to be a relaxing pose.

My thoughts will go back and forth on the issue and the next thing I'll know, my time is up and I didn't experience a thing.

Being that I'm so confident that this is how the first visit will play out I'm going to aim for four visits to make sure that I experience sensory deprivation to the fullest.


Result #134: Yet Another Year Went By Where I Failed To Float In A Sensory Deprivation Tanks… :(


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 5-14-2015

Once again we are at a resolution that I've been wanting to try for years and once again a combination of financial limitations, schedule conflicts, social anxiety, and my eventual move back to San Diego led me continually back burner this task until it was too late.

I'm still in the process of settling in and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and am barely scraping by in the process. I find out next week if I've landed an on-going part-time job that will afford me the ability to accomplish more of these resolutions.

Until then, bear with me as I continue to enthusiastically fail my way to success.