Resolution #142: Build A Desktop Zen Garden To Incorporate With My Bonsai Tree!!!

Date: 5-22-2014

Due Date: 5-22-2015

Resolution: I have a master plan where I want to incorporate several desktop resolutions to create one big desktop masterpiece.  Being that I still have 223 resolutions to come up with, I plan to roll out these mini resolutions one at a time instead of coming out and revealing said master plan as one big resolution.

So far this master plan includes the ant farm (which I have) the Bonsai Tree (which I will be ordering tomorrow), and this Zen Garden (which I will be building when I have a better idea of what else is involved.)

I'll make sure to note the future resolutions that I linked to this "master plan."


Result #142: Not Only Did I Fail To Build A Desktop Zen Garden… I Failed To Grow The Bonsai Tree From The Other Resolution As Well…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 5-22-2015


First, I planted seeds to grow a bonsai tree. I was hoping to build the Zen Garden around the tree when it sprouted but if you've been following my progress you already know that never happened to lead to the failure of Resolution #132.

I'd like to think that if the seeds would've sprouted I would've been inspired to get to work on this resolution but I'm not sure if that would've been the case.

I had big plans to use fancy materials to create a majestic garden. That said, I also had doubts in my abilities to pull off the plans I had envisioned which I feel may have led me to avoid moving forward.

I'd like to blame my recent financial situation but unlike the other resolutions that I purely failed due to lack of funds, I have to admit that procrastination and doubt in my abilities are to blame for this one.