Resolution #127: Make My Checking Account Divisible By $5 Daily... Sending The Rest To Savings...

Date: 5-7-2014

Due Date: 5-7-2015

Resolution: I’ve always been horrible at saving money. As with most things I'm horrible at, if I create a game or challenge I'm pretty good at achieving my goals. A few years ago I started playing with a savings technique and ended up saving quite a bit of money.

What I did was, at the end of each day I would go to my online checking account and transfer however much money into savings that it would take to make my checking account divisible by $5. This meant I was saving $.01 to $4.99 a day. As I said, it worked pretty well so I figured I'd give it another shot and make a resolution out of it.


Result #127: I Successfully Depositing The Funds To Savings… however… I Was Also Just As Successful Withdrawing Money From Said Saving Account...


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 5-7-2015

I still feel that this is a great way to build your savings. It's very easy to make your checking account divisible by $5.00 every night, sending the difference to savings. The only problem is that I never had enough of an income to where I could just ignore my savings to let them grow.

Hopefully, within the next two weeks, I will know whether or not I have a new job. It would be a part-time job that's flexible enough for me to continue to chase my freelance dreams. It would also mean that I'd be back to having a steady income.

Whether or not I get this specific job, the moment I do manage to maintain a steady income I will revisit this experiment and stick to it for an entire year without touching the money that I save. If I ever manage to pull this off I will be sure to keep you posted.