Resolution #180: Train For A Spot-On Impersonation Of Dabney Coleman From Cloak And Dagger!!!

Date: 6-29-2014

Due Date: 6-29-2015

Resolution: I haven't seen this movie in years so I have no idea what this impersonation will entail but could you imagine having this ability as a superpower?

Just imagine, you're in a situation where you have five minutes to kill amongst strangers. You nonchalantly mention, "Hey, I can do a spot-on impersonation of Dabney Coleman from Cloak and Dagger."

You're going to lose some of your audience due to the fact that they don't know who Dabney Coleman is. You're going to lose a lot of your audience because they have no idea what Cloak and Dagger is, but you’ve won the hearts of the few that understand. Well, all but one. One person will have their doubts and think you’re an a-hole for even making such a claim.

Luckily you're still stuck for another four minutes and the excited few really want to hear your performance.

Then it happens.

You do your thing then wrap up your perfect impersonation of Jack Flack at the exact moment you’re able to make an escape.

Most will have no idea what they just witnessed, a few will be entertained by the circumstance alone, a very few will be impressed even though they have no idea how to gauge how accurate you were, and that one person will bitterly have their doubts.

This bitterness will grow as the impressed members of the crowd discuss what just happened. The bitter one will be hung up on thoughts of, "That was no Dabney Coleman from Cloak and Dagger. That could be anyone from any movie, those gullible fools."

This anger will fester until finally this person tracks down a copy of Cloak and Dagger and watches it to try and prove they’re right. Their jaw will drop in amazement as they get to the scene you were impersonating. 

A tear of joy will run down their face.

At least that's how I see it playing out.


Result #180: I Know It's Late… But… I Found My Copy Of Cloak And Dagger… And… Will Watch Soon To Find A Scene Worth Memorizing...


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 6-29-2015

I'm going to keep this one short and sweet because I plan to have an addendum update later tonight, or sometime tomorrow after I watch the movie.

As I have pointed out in the past, this resolution challenge is evolving to be more of a bucket list challenge. I plan to get to all of the failed resolutions at some point in the near future.

Granted I had an entire year to at least watch Cloak and Dagger to at least find the Dabney Coleman scene I want to learn to impersonate, I lost a lot of wind toward this overall challenge when it never seemed to catch on.

I think I'm finally to the point where I no longer care whether or not I have an audience at this point in my blogging career, as this is still my learning phase and not my professional phase.

So, I plan to watch Cloak and Dagger tonight to find the scene I wish to learn and I will get back to you with a clip of said scene either tonight or tomorrow.

Then the practicing will begin!