Resolution #154: Build A Life-Sized Thrift Store TV Robot!!!

Date: 6-3-2014

Due Date: 6-3-2015

Resolution: Ever since I was a little kid I wanted to own a robot, but what kid didn't? Now that I'm an adult and have a place of my own I can make this happen. Granted I'm no engineer and wouldn't know the first steps in making anything sentient, but I am crafty enough to sculpt something together that at least appears to be a loveable robot.

And that's my plan.

Using nothing but pieces I find from thrift stores, a soldering iron, and some wood screws, I will create a mechanical roommate that has at least one trick up its sleeve to justify its rent-free existence. 

Hopefully, I can train it to play Mancala!


Result #154: Now That Time Has Passed, I’m Not Even Sure If I Would Want A Robot Made Of Clutter… To Add To The Clutter That I’m Trying To Get Rid Of…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 6-3-2015

I'm not sure if I thought this one through before setting this resolution. For the most part, I'm trying to cut back the clutter in my life yet here's this plan to make a big piece of clutter using a bunch of little pieces of clutter. I think that's why I held off on even making an attempt to build a thrift store robot.

Who knows, maybe someday way down the road if I ever own my own property I may revisit this resolution to build some sort of robot scarecrow but I don't think I'll be building a giant clutter robot to share my living space with.

Then again who knows with me?