Resolution #182: Limit My Sweets Intake To One Treat A Week...

Date: 7-1-2014

Due Date: 7-1-2015

Resolution: I'm pretty proud of myself for the health changes I've made since starting this blog. I'm still working on everything, but results seem to be starting to show.

I've been drinking my eight eight-ounce glasses of water for about seven months now. Other than giving into temptation days after resolving to quit smoking for a year, I've climbed back on that wagon and haven't had a cigarette for about five months. Since resolving to become a social drunk, about two months ago, I've pretty much become sober. I've been eating better due to various resolutions and even though it's taken way too long to complete the 26 one-hour-long walks to complete my walking alphabet resolution, I've been doing good at sticking to all fitness resolutions that don't require me leaving my apartment.

One thing that I've noticed is that since cutting down on all these other unhealthy choices my craving for candy and cookies has increased. I'm not fully sure if it's a craving thing or if I've been eating more sweets because they're the one vice that I've allowed myself free rein over.

Well not anymore.

Being that I don't believe in completely depriving yourself of obtainable desires, this will be a resolution of limitations and not denial. Starting today I will only allow myself to buy one sweet treat a week causing it to be an actual treat and not an indulgent.


Result #182: This Year I Successfully Managed To Cut Down My Purchasing And Intake Of Sweets… By Limiting My Consumption To One Treat A Week!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 7-1-2015

Though I didn't cut out sweets altogether I did manage to cut down my intake quite a bit. It was never really my intention to quit. The main purpose of this resolution was to become more mindful of what I purchase.

Before this resolution, I didn't think anything of buying a whole thing of Oreo's to then eat way faster than I should and as soon as those cookies were gone, I'd buy some other sweet on my next trip to the store. I ate some form of sweet at least once a day because it was always around.

Since starting this resolution, I started to pay more attention to what I was buying at the store, cutting my candy purchases down to once a week. I also, for the most part, would choose a single or double serving and didn't use a loophole by buying a week’s worth of goodies, negating the purpose for cutting back.

Where I used to eat something sweet on a daily basis, I now go days without and don't really miss it.

And with that, I consider this resolution to be a success.