Resolution #253: See At Least One Play At The Taproot Theatre Company...

Date: 9-10-2014

Due Date: 9-10-2015

Resolution: I've been somewhat fascinated by the Taproot Theatre ever since I moved up to Seattle. I first noticed it about sixteen years ago when some friends took me out to get a burrito the size of a baby from the Mexican restaurant across the street.

At that time it felt like every movie theater in Seattle was an art-house theater. Due to the location, I just figured this was another movie theater.

Years later I discovered it was a playhouse. Upon learning this I became more intrigued by how it might look on the inside than interested in seeing a play there. This was still years before I moved into my current apartment.

Now that the Taproot Theatre has been just down the street from me for over three years, I keep saying to myself, "I really need to finally check this place out sometime," as I pass it on the way to the store.

Well, this is going to be the year that I finally support the arts while getting the answers to my questions about this mysterious playhouse.


Result #253: This Resolution’s Become Next To Impossible… Now That The Taproot Has Gone From Two Block To Two States Away… :(


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 9-10-2015

I really should have tried to get in a show at the Taproot Theatre before I moved. Now I'll probably never see what's inside this mysterious playhouse. At this point it doesn't feel like anyone I'd like to visit would be all that interested in seeing me, so I'm not sure if I'll ever set foot in Seattle again and probably won't get a chance to revisit this resolution.