Resolution #258: Take Scuba Lessons...

Date: 9-15-2014

Due Date: 9-15-2015

The Resolution: Growing up in San Diego, I used to love playing in the ocean. I wouldn't hesitate to jump into any body of water to play in the alien aquatic world.

Then I reached a certain age when I went from being a fat kid playing in the water with his shirt on to a fat man playing in the water with my shirt on. I was too embarrassed either way so I let go of my love of water.

The other day I was walking home from an appointment where I passed the window of a nearby Scuba Diving School. I saw a group of people, fully clothed in scuba suits submerged in a giant swimming pool.

I don't know if I was won over by the outfits or the novelty of a large group of people Scuba diving in a pool.

Either way, I was won over and now I want to give it a try.


Result #258: Though I Failed To Afford Scuba Lessons In Washington State… I'm Now In SoCal… Where It Should Be Easy To Find A Class If I Ever Manage To Find The Funds…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 9-15-2015

I'm learning another weakness that I need to work on when it comes to this blog. With all these failures lately, I've been feeling less and less inspired to continue on but then I remembered part of the reason I decided to start this daily resolution challenge was as much about getting me to write and post every day, as it was to successfully complete each resolution.

I need to stop thinking so negatively about these failures and focus on creating better content even when I am not in the mood.

I don't think I conquered this problem but I now know what to focus on.

Other than that...

I couldn't afford a Scuba class.