Dateline 11-29-2016
/Alright!!! I did it, I figured out all the bugs and turned in my latest assignment. The main goal of this assignment was to create an app that connects to Google Books to be able to pull information to populate a list based on the user's search.
All that was required was a search field, a button and list to be populated when the button is pressed. The minimum information we had to pull was the book's title and author and we had to progress notification for longer searches and a message that pops up if the search finds no results.
Here is what I managed to pull off...
First, I decided that I would make this fully functional to where users can actually download books to read on their phone. Since there is no way that I could compete with the big book apps, I decided to limit the search to only retrieve free Ebooks in hopes that someone might actually use this and not just have it as a sample with potential value.
There is the main search page designed to look like a book cover that looks even more like a book cover when you start your search...
Then if you have a slow connection it sends you to the progress page...
This progress page may be a little boring but luckily, it doesn't display for all that long. Then you either get your results or the results not found page depending on whether or not there is a free Ebook that relates to your search...
Finally, once you select your book you get sent to the selected page where you can download your Etome if you are actually interested...
Here is a link to download the app through your phone if you are interested in giving it a shot.
Now I'm on to my next set of classes and can't wait to get on to my next assignment to share.
Talk to you tomorrow,
The Wicker Breaker