Dateline 8-11-2017
/Today is the start to my decompressing weekend. If you are interested in knowing what I am decompressing from just go ahead and read some of my past posts from this week as I've already dwelled on it enough and it wasn't all that eventful of an issue to warrant the time that I've already given the topic being that the stress that I am decompressing from was something internal that was going on in my head and I admit, even as far as personal problems go, this one was much to do about nothing and not that big of a deal.
Yesterday was actually the start of this decompression phase as it was the first time since last Thursday that there was nothing I was irrationally trying to avoid. Though it was a nice start, I still felt some of the weekday energy that brings along guilt if I attempt to be frivolous with my time even when none of the tasks at hand provide any pay.
For some reason, with today being Friday, I feel perfectly fine walking away from my work when I get the bare minimum done and start my weekend of relaxation. By this, I mean that I do the same exact thing as every other day, only I don't beat myself up for not doing more than the two tasks I have as self-imposed daily-obligations. This post being one and my SNL post being two so I'm not calling for tears from Argentina over my mundane struggles to find my place in this world, I'm just sharing what's going on in my head.
Now it's time to move on to self-imposed daily-obligation number to so I can move on and take a mid-afternoon nap to then wake up and see where the rest of the day takes me, which will probably be more of phase three of my prep-work plan to layout the web pages of every single upcoming SNL reviews so I can move on to rewriting my novel.
Though phase three could still be considered work, it's also very repetitive and mundane so I can watch a movie or two in the background without missing much which in turn feels like a break while still being productive while also not requiring much heavy lifting from my brain which helps with the decompressing process.
Alright, time to get to work on task number two, and as always, I'll check in tomorrow with my progress.
Talk to you then,
The Wicker Breaker