The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-12-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… at the end of another day… and this time I actually came close to working the schedule of my dreams… where I now want to write my marketing challenge post close to the first thing that I do after waking up… so that I’ll have the full day to work on each task… instead of carrying over each assignment to the next day the way that I end up doing when publishing each post around six of seven o’clock in the PM…

After that… I went into working on SEO optimizations tasks… instead of doing behind the scenes work until I feel inspired to write… having taken some time off… I forgot that I usually do better when I don’t feel inspired because the added pressure forces me to improvise… with the added bonus of having no game plan to fuck up…

Since I didn’t have the marketing task constantly looming from not waiting… I was allowed to casually clean my place… relax with the dog… water the garden… knowing that I don’t have any other self-imposed writing obligation to get to… until this post here that I plan to continue to write just before heading off to bed… the only issue that I see is that I could end up getting a little too casual with my non-writing task… leaving very little time for the behind-the-scenes work to get done… but I’m fine with that… as long as everything is still getting done…

I’ll let you know if I was able to stick to this schedule when I check in with tomorrow’s… end of the day… post… until then… it’s time for me to finish the night as usual… by hanging out with my Arizer Extreme Q with remote control… before joining my dog on the couch to watch a little TV and then head off to bed… I look forward to checking in…


The Wicker Breaker