The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-20-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are at the end of yet another day… and I plan to take things easy tomorrow… since this has been another week of putting in over ten hours a day into my marketing project… only to make less than a dime per hour for my effort… hopefully all this work will pay off in the future when all of the search engine crawlers finally get to my page to notice the work that I’ve done… and reward me with more visitors and income… to where I’m at least earning a dollar a day….

Until then… it’s getting depressing to keep trying so hard for no notice or pay… or anything else that might validate the decision that I made to focus on being creative… over choosing a more traditional route… keeping in mind that this page is still a training ground for me to hone my writing skill in an effort to improve the quality of my fictional work… now that I’m no longer writing screenplays and the end product is the actual words on a page… and not just a document to be looked at as a blueprint for what the audience will actually consume…

At this point… it doesn’t really matter if it was worth it or not… because my life path has made me unhirable… especially now that I’ve got a bum leg… making me useless for physical labor… when I used to get hired for my size alone… my online presence probably doesn’t help… considering the fact that I am the fubunker who runs… and I don’t know what’s worse… when it comes to a potential employer’s online research… my alias… or that fact that I’m very open about the fact that I use recreational drugs…

Then again… becoming unemployable has always been my life goal… I just always figured that I’d figure out how to build my own income resource before killing any of my chances to get steady work… oh well… it’s a good thing that I’ve accepted my fate… and am now pot-committed to figuring it all out… or die trying… and again… success to me is having a living space the size of a larger studio apartment and an income from my writing that’s equivalent to a minimum wage job…

We’ll see if I ever get there… but for now… it’s time for me to continue getting high… while finishing a few things up before I head over to the couch to watch TV with my dog… it is Love Your Pet Day after all… as always… I look forward to checking in tomorrow with my right before bed update… where I will share more mundane tales of my shut-in’s experience on this planet… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker