Resolution #57: I Won't Let The Numbers Get Me Down...

Date: 2-26-2014

Due Date: 2-26-2015

Resolution: Granted I have a fantasy that one of these days I'm going wake up,  log on to make an update, and see that I've had a consistent amount of readers for a long enough period of time to turn this blog into a career, but that's not really why I'm here. Just like everything else, I'm going to do what I'm going to do whether I have an audience of one or one million.

That's said I can't help but get excited when I see peeks only to feel defeated when I see valleys. This project is supposed to be a fun distraction from the ups and downs of life and not an added burden. 

You may not even see the effects of the pressure I put on myself so this is more of an internal resolution than one that can be gauged. From here on out I will not only remain confident that I'm going to complete this project, but I'll complete it without the added pressure of worrying about what anyone else thinks.

Thanks to everyone who has been following this experiment. It's been a blast so far. I look forward to sharing more of my adventures.


Result #57: Hell… I Barely Check Any Numbers Anymore… So… I'd Say This Is A Success!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 2-29-2015 (AKA 3-1-2015)

I often say on this blog that I wish I could get paid to do this. Though it's awesome to have this as a fantasy I'm fully aware that when it comes to blogging I'm still searching for my voice. I created this whole 365 Days of Resolution experiment not fully to complete all the tasks but to push myself to not only write on a daily basis and put it out there to the world rather than keeping everything in drawers and folders like I've done with my screenwriting.

There have been times where I would look into how many people visited to find my numbers dropping (and believe me, there aren't many numbers, to begin with.) I would find myself thinking, "What's the point?"

I know, whether I'm writing for one person or one million people I'm going to complete 365 Days of Resolution no matter what. The numbers do still affect me but they've yet to really discourage me as I know this is still my learning phase. 

Being that I barely even check the numbers anymore, I consider this a success.


Play Along At Home…