Resolution #73: I'm Going To Go Back To Being Part Cartoon...

Date: 3-14-2014

Due Date: 3-14-2015

Resolution: A few years ago I used to joke that I was part cartoon because I owned four pairs of the same exact style of shorts and 6 of the exact same solid black tee shirts. Other than a jacket, several pairs of boxers, and a bunch of random socks, that was all I owned as far as clothing went. I looked the exact same way every time anyone would see me, like a cartoon.

Since starting this new job where I have to wear a uniform, I started to think back to those days and how much I liked it. I've never been into fashion so it was nice to just get up and go. It was also nice that is my laundry ever piled up the problem was solved by throwing one load in the wash.

Right now I own four or five loads worth of laundry that inevitably end up and my floor. This has become one of the main reasons that my place becomes such a mess. I want to simplify my life and I'm going to start with my wardrobe.

I'm going to keep all the shirts that mean something to me (i.e. schwag from the movies and television shows that I worked on) but I'm going to send all my thrift store tee shirts back to charity, start from scratch, and keep it simple.

I’m not going to touch my hoodie collection though if anything I’m eventually going to resolve to make that grow. As soon as I can afford it I’m going to get my wardrobe down to a rotation of three work uniforms, four personal life uniforms, and one suit for special events.


Result #73: Though I've Limited My Wardrobe To Only Own Clothing That I Actually Wear… I Failed To Revert Back To My Daily Cartoonish Outfit…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 3-14-2015


The title of this one pretty much says it all.

I've gotten rid of all the clothes that either don't fit or that I no longer wear but have yet to go back to owning multiple sets of daily attire to wear as my cartoon uniform.

I do still plan on doing this though.


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