Resolution #207: Create A Dream Journal And Shackle It To My Headboard...

Date: 7-26-2014

Due Date: 7-26-2015

Resolution: I don't dream all that often. When I do, just like everyone else, I awake thinking, "Damn, that would make a great story." I'm then able to run through the events of the dream one last time before it disappears into the ether.

I then lay in bed fight to recapture the details that I thought were mind blowing when I awoke. I can't help but wonder if any of these dreams would actually make a good story.

I feel that dreams are like jokes that you come up with when you're stoned. Interesting at the time, under specific circumstances but just pure nonsense to an unfoggy mind.

But still sometimes I wake up with such enthusiasm that there has to be something there.

I've never made a genuine attempt to track my dreams. Sometimes I'll jump to my feet and rush across the room to my computer to make notes, only to lose the idea by the time my butt hits the seat.

Starting tonight, I will chain a pad of paper and a pen to my headboard to guarantee that I'll have instant access to materials to document my night visions.

I'll be sure to share anything I find interesting whether it's a full story, a drawing, or a rambling sentences trying to explain my subconscious thoughts.


Result #207: Though I successfully slept with pen and paper near my bed, I failed to even note one dream.


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 7-26-2015

After setting this resolution I grabbed on of my various legal pads and set it on the headrest. I then ordered one of those bank pens with a chain attached to it and affixed it to the headrest as soon as it came in. I then had many dreams yet did not take one note.

I think the problem is that I'm a dream chaser.

The moment I wake from a dream all I want to do is get back in there so I try to go back to sleep rather than start any form of analysis. I have been able to fall back asleep and pick up where the dream left off in the past and since I love dreams more than life I know I have to work fast.

By the time I either decide to wake up the second time or give up, the memories of the dreams have disappeared into the ether.

I just found an old voice recorder that I'm going to start sleeping with. Sure I could and have used my phone in the past, but with the phone there are too many steps. By the time I figure it out the thoughts are gone. This voice recorder has one button so it may just work.

I'm currently taking a dream analysis class as part of a later resolution. I'm sure they will have me journaling. I'll let you know if I make any discoveries when I report on that resolutions progress.

Talk to you then.