Resolution #164: Stop Trusting My Memory And Start Carrying A Notepad And Pen At Work...

Date: 6-13-2014

Due Date: 6-13-2015

Resolution: I know this might sound like a lame resolution, but my work doesn't allow us to carry our cellphones while on the clock. In fact, they have us lock them in our lockers to ensure we don't sneak a peek. I can't tell you how many times I've lost ideas to trusting my memory since starting this job.

The problem is, I actually do trust my memory. Despite some of my lifestyle choices I actually do have a real good memory. I think this comes from obsessively reliving moments in search of the story. Either that or I've got a touch of that Marilu Henner Super Memory Recall, but just a touch.

Though my memory is good when it comes to events and interactions, I struggle when it comes to retaining some of the less inspired concepts and stories that I do come up with before I'm able to develop them further. This is one of the problems of working in volume.

My cellphone used to come in handy for these seedlings of thought, but with this technology ban, I had to come up with another way to take notes.

What did I do before technology?

Oh yeah... paper and pen... Duh...

Again this may sound lame but after losing two ideas today I decided that I had to make it an action item and add it to the list for the sake of accountability.

If you spot me at work and I don't have a notepad and pen on me, I'll let you write whatever note you like on my arm and I'll share it with the internet when I get home.


Result #164: I Successfully Brought A Notepad To Work Every Day… And… All That I Got For It Are All Of These Lousy Notes!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 6-13-2015

Being that my mind is always rambling, I've always been pretty good at keeping something near to keep notes. Since upgrading from a notepad to a smartphone I fell out of the practice of keeping a pen and paper on me.

At the time I set this resolution I had gone from working freelance to working retail and was no longer allowed to even have my phone on me while I was at work. For some reason, it took this resolution to remind me that I knew how to write by hand.

Since setting this resolution I successfully remembered to bring a notepad to work every day which I actually used on a daily basis.