Resolution #194: Get Something Published On!!!

Date: 7-13-2014

Due Date: 7-13-2015

Resolution: Way back when I was a kid there was a thing called a magazine. Two satirical titans battled for the attention of the soon to be wrecked heads of the MTV generation.

Mad Magazine and Cracked Magazine were the and of their time.

Whenever given the choice I would always opt for Cracked Magazine. Even as a kid I was a bigger fan of more edgy material.

That was the case right?

Cracked magazine was edgier?

It was either that or I a bigger fan of the way their artist drew boobs.

Probably both.

Either way, I've been a fan of for a while but have to admit, I think it took me over a year to realize that the dot com was connected to the magazine.

I may have overlooked this obvious relationship but I did notice right away that they were looking for writers. I know technically all websites are looking for writers but what I like about is they put a link to how to write for them right there at the top of the page with the rest of the important information.

I signed up and have read the instructions several times but have always been too chicken to submit anything. This was pre-blogging days when I would only share my scripts. I kept any other form of prose to myself.

Well, this is going to be the year that I finally move past just reading about the submission process and actually give it a shot.

Hopefully, I'll be sharing a link within the year!!!


Result #194: As They Say… If You Fail To Try… You'll Fail To Succeed… That's Exactly How I Successfully Failed To Make It Onto…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 7-13-2015

My confidence that I will ever make it as a screenwriter has been declining more and more, over the years. I just don't think I have it in me to write something broad enough to be worth the gamble for financiers. Even if my work is good enough for that gamble, I'm not a writer with the confidence in myself to push a sale.

Part of this blog was an attempt to bypass the need for confidence in this form of self-publishing in the hopes that one of my projects would magically catch on. I'm not a salesman which leads me to depend too much on hard work and magic.

I think this resolution experiment was too ambitious of a project for this early in my stab at blogging. I feel like I started strong but have been petering out over the past couple of months.

This has led to a growing lack of confidence in any of my writing ventures, which has led to the failure that I'm reporting today.

I know that I'm going to ride out the 365 Days of Resolution in hopes that my passion for writing will return and if it does return I will revisit this resolution and let you know how it turns out.