Dateline 10-27-2017

Holy-moly that was a lot of sleep. As I mentioned yesterday, I didn't sleep all that well the night before because I ran out of my "meds." Well, yesterday afternoon I replenished my stash and boy howdy, does it make a difference. Not only did I go to bed nice and early, the sleep was so solid that I don't even remember waking to turn at any point in the night.

Of course, a big part of why I was able to pull this off was due to the fact that I was coming off of a day where I only three hours sleep the night before and I had the help of a sleeping aid when the night before I didn't... oh wait... I guess those two contributing factors pretty much explain it all... but I think it also helped that I switched back from smoking flower to getting my "meds" through vape juice and that I switch my strain from Sativa to Indica.

I think when I started to smoke I preferred Sativa because I used to like to smoke while I write and I really have found that of the two strains Sativa is the more creativity inducing on. Though Indica is the one known for helping with sleep which is my main concern, after hours of smoking, it was easy to sleep on either one.

Since I'm no longer a fan of mixing writing with either alcohol or drugs, and pretty much us marijuana strictly to help me sleep, I've decided to give switching strains a shot. Up until this order, I stuck to Sativa simple for the fact that it's the strain that is more known for fun and since I saw weed as an end of the day treat, I figured, why not take at least an hour of recreational use and go out with a laugh.

I'm now starting to find it more important to go for the strain that's optimal for treating the ailment that's bothering me rather than opt fun the one that's more optimal for recreational effects but still works when all is said and done. It turns out, I like this approach more because Indica also puts me in that sedated state, unlike Sativa that left me functional enough to still work.

Oh well, enough rambling on about pot because it's time to get to work. I have a lot to get done because ideally, I'd like to wrap up the rewriting of my novel by the first because I'm contemplating participating in this year's NaNoWriMo challenge and it would be nice to start with a clean plate.

As always, I'll talk to you tomorrow when I check in with another update.


The Wicker Breaker