Dateline 11-4-2017

Time for another NaNoWriMo update!!! Today makes day four of the challenge but being that I'm writing the post first thing in the morning, I currently only have three days' worth of content under my belt. This almost wasn't the case as I was half tempted to take a break last night because I was feeling a bit burnt out.

I know, I know, this thing just started so I shouldn't be burnt out so quickly but keep in mind I spent the last two months rewriting one of my earlier written novels, doubling down my efforts in the last week in order to clean my plate for the start of this NaNoWriMo challenge. I finished said draft towards the end of the night before day one, so I didn't get a break at all.

To top things off, as I noted yesterday, I lost confidence in the direction that I was taking my new story since I'm flying by the seat of my pants and don't have a real plan for what I want to write. I do have a motif that I'm shooting for but the words I was choosing just wasn't hitting the mark so parted me wanted to take a day to sort things out in my head. 

I was and still am perfectly fine with taking time off from this month-long challenge and do plan to double down on my word count from time to time in order to afford said time without falling behind the pace required to meet the deadline but day three just seemed too early, even taking the extremely recent completion of my last project into account.

Not only did I feel it was too early for a break, by the time evening came, I found that I was so bored from taking things easy that I ended up meeting the daily word count goal purely by accident. At first, I just sat down and started to tinker with the story to try and fix the areas that I felt were missing the mark that had me doubting if I wanted to continue working on this project at all.

This tinker turned out to work as I got the story up to the point where I was now enthusiastic about more than just the motif and started to write minus even a hint of hesitation. Though I'm under no delusions that this manuscript won't need several drafts when it's done, I am now confident that my concept and approach are now merged to where I'm now confident that I will be able to stick to this draft until it's done.

With that, I'm now excited to see what I get up to today. As always, I'll be sure to check in tomorrow to share more of my NaNoWriMo progress as well as anything else interesting that may come up. Until then it's time to get to work.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. If you are reading this and playing along with this year's NaNoWriMo feel free to add fubunker as your writing buddy and I will buddy you back.