Dateline 11-6-2017

It's day six of this year's NaNoWriMo challenge and once again, I am back in the game. The night before last I ended up slipping into an early slumber leading me to also fall behind one day on my progress. Luckily, the old early to bed early to rise adage got me out of bed at around 6:00 in the AM, giving me an early start to my day.

Thanks to this early start, I was able to knock out my Daily Breaker post at around 7:30 in the AM which seemed to trigger my computer to start to act up making it so that I couldn't just jump right into my SNL review. Though said computer was still fully functional, it was time to run all the maintenance scans and cleaning processes to get the thing back up to speed.

My computer was still working well enough to where I could have continued on to my SNL review but I have a bit of a hang-up about settling in to watch the show while these maintenance programs are running. There's nothing more annoying than settling in to enjoy an experience only to have some pop-up ruin the moment by telling you that there's an okay button to click to move on to the next step. So, I always opt to wait it out especially when it comes to working on a project that demands undivided attention.

At first, I was going to kill time through this waiting it out approach by simply goofing off but then it struck me that I could work on my novel since I don't mind multitasking while I write since I take many mini breaks as I go.

Thanks to this impromptu change of plans I was able to make my daily word count goal before even getting to Saturday Night Live. Then after the viewing, which ended way later than usual, I was able to add on around four hundred extra words to make up for the ones that I miss while taking time off to sleep.

Granted, I'm not caught up at this point but I am back on track to where I should reach my goal within the next day or two. We'll see what happens either way and as always, I'll check in tomorrow with what does. Until then, you have yourself a good day.

Talk to you soon,

The Wicker Breaker

P.S. If you are reading this and playing along with this year's NaNoWriMo feel free to add fubunker as your writing buddy and I will buddy you back.