Dateline 12-26-2017

Good morning people. I have a quick question to start the day, why do have to be so aggressive toward other when giving advice on the internet? Last night, I tried out a weighted blanket that I got from my mom for Christmas in her effort to help me with my insomnia. I heard about these a long time ago and thought that they could help based on how comfortable I feel when they put that lead vest on me at the dentist.

Even before I fell asleep, I could already see that I was breathing much better than usual. In the past, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea due to my weight issues. Though the CPAP machine seemed to work, I still had an issue going into sleep where I felt like I was holding my breath and not not breathing due to any form of obstruction. 

In fact, in general, I feel like I hold my breath in a snake eating its tail scenario where it leads me to become more anxious which then causes me to hold my breath even more. This is why I feel that the extra weight of the blanket helped to ease my anxious mind, allowing me to breathe easier without the help of any machine.

I actually haven't used my CPAP machine in years because I haven't bought a new mask and tubing for close to a decade since the benefits that afforded me the machine in the first place ran out and those things are too expensive and difficult to replace on my own thanks to the regulation on how to obtain them. I woke this morning with a clear head which reminded me of the first day after sleeping with my CPAP where I felt well rested for the first time in years.

Because of this, I decided to do a quick search since I didn't see sleep apnea relief as a potential benefit of these extra heavy blankets. The first thing I found was someone asking the internet the same question only to get a few very aggressive responses about how sleep apnea is about obstructions so how the fuck would a heave blanket work and if you fall for it you're an idiot buying into snake oil salesmen. 

This "genius" who checked in with his bitter advice may be correct if you are talking about sleep apnea by its exact definition but who's to say that it won't help people like me where anxiety might be the real root of the nighttime breathing issue? At the time I was diagnosed with sleep apnea my anxiety was going completely unchecked unless you count my self-medicating and it was never even suggested as a potential piece to the puzzle.

Keep in my, I am fully aware that this rambling is based on one night of well rest but the difference was so instantaneously noticeable and I really hope that any potential benefits don't start to fade away as I grow used to this new approach to sleep like how my memory foam bed which was amazing at first is now unnoticeably more until I have to sleep in some other style of bed.

Oh well, I'll keep you posted on my findings as I continue with this new unofficial sleep experiment. As always, I'll check in tomorrow with another update as to what's going on with all of the things going on. Until then, it's now time to say good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker