Dateline 12-28-2017

I've got four days left and quite a ways to go in order to get everything I need done in time for New Year's Eve. Hopefully, I'll be able to avoid any more distractions that come along during this time of year, like my sister's quick visit last night that distracted me from getting all that much done last night. My younger but not youngest sister is heading back to Colorado this evening so I do have a quick last visit planned with her but that should take place around noon when I usually take my midday break anyways so it shouldn't lead to too much of a setback.

I still have about one hundred pages of my novel to rewrite but, thankfully, between the fact that I'm all caught up on my SNL reviews and that this is just a polishing draft to tweak some typos instead of being a major rewrite, I should still be able to meet my self-imposed deadline.

Then again, I may end up cutting things very close depending on how long it will take to import and format the completed Beta draft into the eBook publishing software that I have never used before. Just looking at the software from opening it the first time, it seems like there is more to it than just cutting and pasting which makes me just a little nervous.

Other than that, I just have to put together the delivery system and reformat this website in order to fit in the additional challenges that I plan to start on the first. With that, it's now time to move on to my next task in order to aid my effort to get everything done on time. As always, I will check in tomorrow with another update on my progress. Until then, it's now time to say good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker