Dateline 12-30-2017

It feels so weird to be taking off so much time from my SNL challenge in order to get things lined up for the upcoming year. Granted, I did watch and review five episodes in one day so that I could afford to take this time off without breaking the episode a day average that's a major part of the challenge.

Considering that I also used this technique to take two days off for Christmas it kind of feels like I've given up. That's not to say that I feel like giving up, in fact, I'm pretty excited that taking this time will allow me to jump right back in with a refreshed sense of enthusiasm. 

In other news, last night, I was able to work through the polishing draft of the novel that I still hope to share on the first. Now, I just have to run it through a couple of advanced spellcheck and grammar programs that I'm currently experimenting with to get this thing as clean as I can. After that, my final step is to import everything into the eBook formatting software that I'm also trying out.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get the novel done and ready by the end of the day so that I can spend tomorrow putting together the links for this site that will allow me to distribute the book through this site. I also have to create the pages I need for the two new challenges so I can have them up and running by midnight. 

Again, these two new challenges both have to do with this book where one of them will be merged with this Daily Breaker segment so I don't feel like I'm biting off more than I can chew. If anything, I feel like having a theme to these Daily Breaker post will help me avoid having to ramble on about nonsense in order to fill a page, even though I'm pretty sure there will always be my brand of rambling from time to time.

Speaking of rambling, it's now time for me to stop so that I can move on to my next task in an effort to make my day. As always, I'll be sure to check in tomorrow with another update on what I end up getting into. Until then, it's now that time to say good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker