Operation Achieve Anything: Day Twenty-Six, Dateline 1-26-2018

Face the worst. Believe the best. Do the most. Leave the rest.
— Bishop Mel Wheatley

Hey Crickets, time for another update!!! As I pointed out yesterday, I’m still going strong with this challenge but am getting a little burnt out on the slow build to more challenging task. At the same time, I fully understand why the Achieve Anything… book has set this pace to build up a mindset to get readers through the year-long game-plan to achieve a goal.

I don’t know if I’ve just read too many self-help books in the past, but a lot of these assignments geared towards mentally preparing the reader for the rejection and hard work that goes into accomplishing long-term goals, seem like common-knowledge/cliché tips to me. I mean yesterday’s assignments message was pretty much, “Love what you do, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”  

Duh. It’s over-simplified advice like this that makes me feel annoyed by the book’s efforts to provide enlightenment. Yeah, I would love to do what I love for a living, that’s what I’ve been working toward for my entire adult life, making this by no means the “ah-ha” moments that I’m looking for. Again, I’m fine with the overall idea and have no plans to skip any task; I’m just sharing why I might sound a bit combative when sharing the results of one of my happiness chores.

Now, for the actual assignment update, which was to find something that I love to do, not just sort of enjoy but all out love, and then put effort into doing it. I LOVE WRITING. Writing is the only thing in my life that truly brings me joy, and though I might not be the best scriber, I’ve been working on honing my craft throughout the entirety of my adult life.

This might add to why I became bitter by the over-simplification of the book in making it seem like once you discover this love, everything will magically work itself out. Granted, I do feel very fulfilled from my writing, and if I were getting paid for it, I’d be the happiest man on the planet. I wouldn’t say that it would be the money that would make me happy, but the money would allow me to silence life stressors enough to fully focus on my craft.

Right now, I’m really proud of my work, but I could only imagine how much better things could be if I didn’t have the constant concerns of what my backup plan should be. Rather than continually being distracted by scattered thoughts of, “What am I doing with my life,” an income for my efforts would justify my existence to where I could buckle in and get busy living my dreams.

Today’s assignment is more of a piece of advice for when I feel stuck than it is an actual task. This advice came in the form of the book’s quote of the day, “Face the worst. Believe the best. Do the most. Leave the rest.” Face the worst is pretty much another way of saying face your fears that aren’t going away in order to get the mystery or hardship over with so that it will just go away. Believe the best is another way of saying stay optimistic and genuinely believe in your efforts. Do the most just means keep going no matter what. Finally, leave the rest means to not waste time on matters that are out of your control.

I feel I already, at least try, to follow this strategy but I’ll get into the reasons why I feel this way when I check in with tomorrow’s update. With that, it’s now that time for me to say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.