Operation Achieve Anything: Day Four, Dateline 1-4-2018

Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
— Scott Adams

I really like having a prepared topic to write about for these Daily Breaker posts because working from the Achieve Anything book provides an extra sense of focus. I see a benefit in this focused writing in that it gives more of a professional feel to my work, to the point where I feel I could use any of the four posts I've written so far as a resume writing sample. 

That's not to say that I don't feel that I have writing sample worth posts in the past, but minus the running theme there was way less consistency between posts I deemed great and posts that were straight up rambling. Fortunately, I really don't mind ramble, but unfortunately, it's not a popular form of content.

Speaking of content, yesterday's assignment was to make a bold first move toward achieving the goal that I set for the end of the year. In order to accomplish this task, I first took to social media where I was more blatant about the fact that Chuck Norris Would Never Write This Book, A Diary of Undiagnosed Disorders: Part One is available to download for free. Instead of hoping people would find the link within the blog post, I made the announcement right in the body of my Tweets.

At the start of the day, this was going to be my main effort to meet the assignment's needs especially since it is only day three and it seemed on par with the book's examples. Later in the day, I decided to step it up a notice and fired out a few email in an effort to find a mentor. As much as I know that I can make it through this challenge alone, I could see the benefits of having an outside guide to make sure I do it right. I have yet to hear back from anyone, but it's yet to even be a full day.

Today's assignment is to implement at least one random act of kindness a day. This one is going to be more difficult than you might think, not because I'm a constant jerk, but as a bit of a shut-in who works from home, my interactions are limited. I currently live in a garage with my family in the main space who I see on a daily basis. I always at least try to be kind to all of them, so I find it hard to think about what it would take to go above and beyond without feeling that it's just an effort to fulfill the assignment and not that I'm being selfless.

I also struggle the idea of being assigned to do something random because it feels like a contradiction. Oh well, we'll see what kind act I randomly plan. As always, I'll report on my progress when I check in again tomorrow. Until then, it's now that time where I say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.