Operation Achieve Anything: Day Six, Dateline 1-6-2018

To accomplish great things, we must not act, but also dream not only plan, but also believe.
— Anatole France

Just got back from a night hanging out with my cousin and an old friend. It was a pretty fun night of non-event based rambling and jokes which is probably the biggest things that I miss from my old life. Now, I mainly talk to people during holidays, birthdays, and other extravaganzas where the is pressures from perfection that lead the conversations to seem contrived which was much easier to deal with back when I had a social life.

Though it was nice to have a little bit of a break while having some fun with others, it did mean that I didn't have all that much time to work on yesterday's assignment. That said, I did manage to get enough done to consider the day yet another success, especially since the assignment was to start a new step toward my ultimate goal with nothing that said that I needed to get it done.

Before I left the house to meet with my cousin and friend, I got the ball rolling for my next step, which is to create a new tab for this blog for The Self-Publishing Project where I plan to promote my novel Chuck Norris Would Never Write This Book, A Diary of Undiagnosed Disorders: Part One. 

I really wanted to have this tab ready for New Year's Day, but unfortunately, the timing didn't work that way unless I just wanted to slap something together. Then, after day one of Operation Achieve Anything, I decided to hold off in order to make the creation of this tab the end product of one of these daily assignments, so I'm happy to finally get started.

I didn't get all that far, but again, as someone who knows himself very well, I know that now that I've passed to jumping off point, it won't be long before I get done since I'll be obsessing over checking it off my list.

Speaking of lists, today's assignment is actually something that I already do and have for quite some time, which is to start listing reality-based things to be done in my new notebook next to the fantasy list of achievements I dream to get done. The book doesn't even say that I have to do anything on this achievable list, they just want me to keep it up-to-date while thinking about how the two list link together.

I'm guessing that I'm supposed to realize things like how I often need to tidy my, ever neglected, room relates to those sloppy areas of my life that would be easy to take care of that are just not all that urgent to me. I prefer to work and live in a clean space and do genuinely feel less stressed when everything is in its place; my focus is so narrow on my work I've talked myself into thinking that it doesn't bother me. I can see how this would tie in perfectly with simple issues that are cluttering brain space that may not be holding me back but are slowing the process of achieving my dreams when they should just be put away.

We'll see if I stumble on to any other insights during this process, but until then, I need to wrap things up so I can fit in a nap since a barely slept at all because I was sleeping on a couch that was just a bit too small for me. As always, I'll let you know what I end up getting into later tonight when I check in with tomorrow's update. Until then, it's now that time to say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.