Operation Achieve Anything: Day Seventy-Nine, Dateline 3-20-2018

A good laugh is sunshine in a house.
— William Makepeace Thackeray

Morning Crickets. Welcome to day number seventy-nine of Operation Achieve Anything. Before I get started I just want to clear up how even when I say that I’m in a weird mood or have fallen back into some sort of rut, I’m in a much better place mentally than I’ve been in close to five years. I do still feel like I’ve got quite a ways to go until I’m one-hundred percent back to normal, but then again, I don’t think I was ever at one-hundred percent in the first place.

I mention this because the current theme to the Achieve Anything…  book is laughter and overall humor which was the toughest loss to my sense of self that I’ve felt over the years. This makes it hard to write about the topic, especially since I don’t disagree with the benefits, I just feel sad that humor stopped benefiting me. Now I feel like Fun Bobby from the show Friends only, unlike Fun Bobby, I feel the awkwardness of not being the fun me that I used to be and feel dumb if I try to recapture the past, especially since I am so out of practice.

It doesn’t help that the assignments for these lessons about having fun are absolutely no fun at all. I mean, yesterday I was just assigned to not take myself so seriously. Sure, the book gave some examples like rent a funny movie or talk to a funny friend but these samples were just filler, each taking up their own line to get the last paragraph to kiss the end of the page. It didn’t help that the samples given made it sound like the book was talking to robots, because I forget that there are people in the world who, unlike me, never knew how to have fun.

As I said in yesterday’s post about a very similar task, though I’m no longer as interested in always being funny, I’m still desperate to be entertained and often resort to humorous forms of distraction. So in order to not take myself so seriously and attempt to have a good time, I ended up watching a lot of funny YouTube videos after watching a reviewing the episode on SNL that was required to fulfill my Seeso Many Saturday Nights challenge.

Sure, I laughed a few times but I don’t think I got much from this lesson but that might just be because I never felt like I needed a book to teach me how important humor is in almost every aspect of life. As I said, even though I no longer feel all that funny myself, I see the absence of this part of my personality to be a significant loss that I’m not sure that I’ll ever get over.

It also didn’t help that yesterday’s assignment was almost a repeat of the one from the day before which was the start of this new humor kick that the book is on. Speaking of which, today’s assignment is almost an exact match of yesterday’s, only it leaves out the part about not taking myself so seriously. Other than that, I’m just supposed to try to fit more laughter into my day.

Again, having to repeat the same assignment isn’t all that bad if there is an interesting twist in the lesson or if the assignment being repeated was inspiring enough to write about. Oh well, we’ll have to wait until tomorrow’s post to see what I find funny today. Until then, it’s now that time for me to say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.