Operation Achieve Anything: Day Eighty-Four, Dateline 3-25-2018

Nobody can do it for you.
— Ralph Cordiner

Hey Crickets. How are things going? It’s Sunday making it the not only day number eighty-four of Operation Achieve Anything but it’s also the official end of week number twelve. Though I can be annoyed with this challenge from time to time, I’d say I’m still going strong. I really hope they wrap up all of the self-help-themed tasks pretty soon in order to focus on more external advice on how to literally achieve a goal instead of just getting mentally prepared. Either way, I don’t mind doing the work because at least this challenge makes it easier to create content that isn’t just me rambling on.

Well… I guess I still ramble but at least now it’s a little more focused. Alright, now let’s get into these assignments. Yesterday’s assignment was pretty much a repeat of an assignment from the start of the book where I was asked to refuse to be average and find a new interest to start to learn. Last time I was asked to do this, I started to learn to play bass. This was something that I’ve wanted to learn for a while and even had a couple of false starts but stuck to it this time in order to please the book.

I’m very glad that I decided to choose to learn the bass as my new thing to learn because now it’s a new hobby and I try to practice for at least an hour a day. I didn’t do anything all that exciting this time because this assignment seems to be geared toward getting stuffy normal people to lighten up by exploring new arts and crafts. If anything, I need to do the opposite and buckle down for more honest work that delivers a steady paycheck.

The new and exciting task that I opted for this round was to learn a new song on the bass. I use the program/video game Rocksmith to teach me how to play. This game works just like Guitar Hero or Rock Band but you hook up real instruments instead of toys. The game come with a library of hits to learn to play with an option to buy even more. Since I’m getting burnt out on the music that came with the game, I decided to use this assignment as an excuse to buy the lesson for Jenny by Tommy Tutone because it was the most fun song on the list.

As for today’s assignment, I’m supposed to continue to learn about accepting responsibility by making a list of all of the things that I am waiting for others to achieve and then list a few plans of how I can tackle these tasks on my own. Spoiler Alert: For example, I keep thinking that I need an editor for my work and really feel that this is what’s holding me back from self-publishing all of my non-blogging work. I can’t afford to hire an editor and since I need a second set of eyes I can’t do it on my own but there has got to be a way for me to either save up enough money or find me a volunteer.

So now you have a hint about list item number one but you’ll have to wait until I check in with tomorrow’s update in order to get the rest of my list. Until then, it’s time for me to wrap this up as usual by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects!!!

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.